What to expect with your premium audit experience
Each year, your Workers' Compensation and General Liability account(s) are audited. With a little advanced planning and Builders Mutual by your side, your premium audit can be simple. As part of our dedication to providing our policyholders with the best service possible, we want you to be prepared with the proper records and a thorough understanding of the process, making your premium audit as efficient as possible.
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Preparing for an audit
Being prepared is the first step toward having a successful premium audit. By knowing what documentation to provide and how far back you should go with records, you are already ahead of the process. We created this audit kit as a tool to help:
- Learn what records to provide
- Get ideas on organizing records
- Understand retention guidelines for certain records
- Get insight into common audit questions on remuneration and class codes
- Identify tips on working with subcontractors
Download Audit Preparation Kit
English SpanishAudit resources
Please find other useful audit resources below.
Contact Premium Audit
If you have questions concerning the information needed for an audit, please contact your auditor prior to your scheduled appointment. During the audit, if you have any questions, please ask.
You have 15 days from the date of the Final Audit Statement to resolve your audit. If you believe that the Final Audit Statement contains incorrect exposures, contact the Premium Audit Department in writing, and provide documentation to support your questions. For more detailed instructions, review our Premium Audit kit.
Mailing Address
Builders Mutual
ATTN: Premium Audit Department
PO Box 150005
Raleigh, NC 27624-0005
Send an email
Phone & fax
Call the Premium Audit Department.
Phone: 800-809-4859
Fax: 919-227-0350